Purpose: To work with the entire church in leading middle school and high school students to faith in Christ, and helping youth grow in Christian maturity, through: development and administration of programs; building relationships; and recruiting, equipping and overseeing volunteer workers and possible school interns.
Responsible to: Senior Pastor and Director of Christian Education
Description of Duties:
• Designing Wednesday evening worship/fellowship/teaching meetings
• Planning monthly special weekend activities for teens, and possible after-school programs, in addition to being a key part of the planning and direction of a
summer camping experience
• Mentoring or encouraging teens who need particular encouragement with spiritual, social, or academic issues, or assisting others to do so
• Teaching a teen Sunday School class
• Finding new ways of connecting youth from otherwise unchurched homes with the teen group and the church as a whole
• Helping to build bridges of friendship to parents and siblings of otherwise unchurched youth in the group, for the sake of Christ and the church.
• Interacting with nearby Christian colleges to discover potential interns to assist in the ministry here, and to help expose our youth to options for their
future training.
For further information or to apply, contact:
Clint Roberts clrobert@mail.snu.edu or Erin Smith erin_hefti@yahoo.com
The position is designed for about 25 hours per week with potential to be full-time.
Salary negotiable, based on experience, training, weekly hours committed, and other factors. Remuneration package will include full use of church-owned parsonage near the church facility. Schedule can be somewhat flexible to allow for further degree study,
either online or in one of the nearby universities or seminaries.