First Free Methodist Church seeks to hire a full-time person to work with children and families in our neighborhoods. This position is offered in a church within the city of Seattle and across the street from Seattle Pacific University. The person will need to work well with a variety of people and age groups to ensure our ministry to children and families is a vital part of our ongoing mission to Love people, connect them to Jesus, and serve the world. The primary role of this position is to connect children and families to Jesus Christ.
Reporting: This position reports to the lead pastor and is a part of the pastoral team. Attends weekly staff, pastoral, and communications meetings.
Job Duties:
• Develop and implement an overall vision for children’s ministry that fits with the context of the church’s mission to Love, Connect, and Serve.
• Oversee and coordinate children’s ministries, outreach to families (special events), MOPS, Foster Family Ministry, and NQACC chapel.
• Recruit, Train, and supervise staff and volunteers for kids’ ministry. Ensure that volunteers and staff are equipped, empowered and appreciated to serve in Kids ministry.
• Oversee scheduling of staff and volunteers for Sunday morning children’s ministry and family outreach events.
• Manage kids electronic check in system, background checks, safety and risk management policies for this area of ministry.
• Recruit and work with a team of volunteers to prepare weekly curriculum for kids’ ministry and other groups/events as needed. Evaluate curriculum annually.
• Offer events that bridge neighborhood families to the church such as Easter Extravaganza, VBS/summer nights, and Fall event.
• Envision and maintain a facility environment that is inviting and safe for children and families.
• Offer pastoral care for families going through life events (births, deaths, significant transitions, and crisis).
• Coordinate key transitions and rites of passage for families in the church such as infant dedications/baptisms, kindergarten Bibles, including children in worship, etc.
• Work with pastoral team to offer worship leadership, preaching/teaching, and pastoral care as needed.
Skills and requirements:
Organizational and interpersonal skills are essential
Ability to relate well across generations and especially with families.
Basic understanding of Microsoft office programs
Willing to pass two background checks for church and NQACC
Personal strengths needed:
3 or more years’ experience working with children.
Bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in childhood development/education preferred
Mature and professional, able to exhibit sound judgment
Familiarity with church office environment and working with a staff team.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Includes annual salary with health and retirement benefits. Optional childcare discount depending on availability. Optional affordable housing available.
Interested individuals should contact Pastor Matt Poole at ph #206-281-2240 or email at